Home News SwiftKey for iOS is back 45 days after Microsoft announced it was going away

SwiftKey for iOS is back 45 days after Microsoft announced it was going away

SwiftKey for iOS is back 45 days after Microsoft announced it was going away

There are not many third-party keyboard options for the iPhone that are considered great, but SwiftKey for iOS is one of them. The popular keyboard app, currently owned by Microsoft, was recently retired from iOS. Microsoft had announced that it would no longer support the app, and it wouldn’t be available on the App Store anymore.

Well, it’s just been 45 days since then, but Microsoft seems to have brought SwiftKey for iOS back from the dead. It appears that Microsoft saw the user demand for the app, and has decided to let it live another day, and with more features on the way too.

SwiftKey for iOS is getting more features, too

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