Home News Facebook’s new Link History feature remembers which memes you clicked and stories you read even if you can’t — and you can opt out if you’d rather not

Facebook’s new Link History feature remembers which memes you clicked and stories you read even if you can’t — and you can opt out if you’d rather not

Facebook’s new Link History feature remembers which memes you clicked and stories you read even if you can’t — and you can opt out if you’d rather not

Facebook has long been the go-to source of news and other content for hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Whether or not that is wise is a matter for another conversation, but there is no denying that Facebook is a huge player in terms of how people find the content that they consume. But because any link you click in the Facebook app on your iPhone opens the page inside the app itself, it’s easy to lose track of what you’ve read and which memes you’ve seen. Now, it appears that Meta has identified that and sought to find a solution.

That solution is a new Link History feature that promises to make it easier for people to find anything and everything that they saw previously, making it easier to resurface that content at a later date. Meta will no doubt hope that people will be able to more easily share that content on its platforms, but from the point of view of individuals this new feature is a real boon — especially for those of us with poor memories.


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