Home News November Community Day 2021

November Community Day 2021

November Community Day 2021

November 2021 Community Day features Shinx. Shinx will be taking center stage along with a host of bonus incentives on this special day, including Luxray (Shinx’s Final Evolution), learning a never-before-seen charge move as his signature move.

Shinx has only been available in Tier 1 forays into the past, which has made him a rather rare brilliant. Trainers will now be able to catch Shinx in the wild for the first time on this Community Day.

Check out our full Pokémon GO November 2021 event guide for more events taking place this month.

In this page

Event summary

Date and Time

Shinx Community Day will take place in Sunday, November 21, 2021, from 11am for 5:00 pm local time.

Featured Pokémon 🌟



Evolve Luxio (Shinx Evolution) during the event or up to two hours later to get a Luxray who knows the charged attack Psychic fangs Psychic

Bonuses 🎁

  • 1/4 of hatching distance when eggs are placed in an incubator during the event period.
  • The incense activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Decoy modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Take some snapshots during Community Day for a surprise!

Special bonuses 🍬

To celebrate the last Community Day event of the year before the big annual Community Day event in December 2021, there will be two additional bonuses available during Community Day in November 2021:

  • 3 × Transfer Candy and
  • 4x the chance to win Candy XL when transferring Pokémon.

Mini guide

The best way to take advantage of these bonuses would be to start stocking up on 10 and 12km eggs before this event to be able to hatch them quickly on the day (don’t forget your Star piece!).

These are some amazing special bonuses you DON’T want to miss out on. 3x Transfer Candy and 4x chances of winning Candy XL for transferring is an unmissable opportunity for every type of player. Many Trainers will be salivating at the opportunity to stock up on Candy XL which can usually be difficult to obtain.

Mass transfer Legendary pokemon this Community Day will be a great way to finally empower and potentially maximize your favorite Legendaries for any type of situation, be it for Raids, Rocket grunts/Leaders and PvP.

Exclusive Move: Psychic Fangs

Evolve Luxio (Shinx Evolution) during the event or up to two hours later to get a Luxray who knows the charged attack Psychic fangs Psychic.

Making its debut in Pokémon GO, this Charged attack will allow Luxray for reduce Defense of opposing Pokémon and deal super effective damage on Fighting and Poison Pokémon type.

  • Trainer Battles: 40 Power and guaranteed to reduce the Defense of the opposing Pokémon.
  • Gyms and raids: 30 Power

This new move will give Luxray more versatility in PvP. It is currently more of a spice selection than a meta Pokémon in the Great League, this won’t change that fact, however having access to this new charge move will give you more play in a predominant Poison write goal.

You can read our detailed analysis here: Under the Lights: Luxray (and Psychic Fangs) in PvP.

Flash, Spark, and Gleam Special Research Story

Sparkle, sparkle and shine will be the name of the Special Investigation Story. This research story will grant you access to the exclusive quest line, a chance to earn a higher IV Shinx, bonus items, and more! This special investigation story will serve to US $ 1.00 (or the equivalent price level in your local currency).

Stay tuned for when the Flash, Spark and Gleam Special Research story entries are released!
Tickets are non-refundable (subject to applicable law and exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Please note that this special research will not include a medal in the game.

Sparkle, Spark and Sparkle Investigation Step 1/4

  • Power up Pokémon 10 times: x15 Poke Ball
  • Catch 15 Shinx: Shinx
  • Make 5 good throws: x20 Shinx Candy
  • Rewards: x2,000 Stardust, Shinx and x1 Incense

Flash, Spark, and Gleam Research Step 2/4

  • Catch 15 Shinx: x30 Shinx Candy
  • Transfer 10 Pokémon: Luxio
  • Evolve 3 Shinx: x15 Pinap Berry
  • Rewards: 1,500 XP, Shinx and Incense x1

Sparkles, Sparks, and Sparkles Investigation, Step 3/4

  • Make 3 Great Curve Ball Throws: x50 Shinx Candy
  • Evolve 1 Luxio: x1 Star Piece
  • Transfer 10 Pokémon: Big Ball x15
  • Rewards: 2500 XP, x1 Rocket Radar and x15 Ultra Ball

Sparkles, Sparks, and Sparkles Investigation, Step 4/4

  • Reward for claiming: x2 Silver Pineapple Berry
  • Claim reward: Shinx
  • Claim reward: 3500 XP
  • Rewards: 3000 Stardust, Luxray and x2 Rare Candy

Event packages

There will be a special one-time purchase Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins, presenting 50 Ultra Balls, four incense, four pieces of stars, and a Elite ChargedTM. 30 Ultra Balls it will be available in the store at no cost. Make sure to collect them during the event!

Be aware of your surroundings and follow the guidelines of local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Make sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receive push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay up to date. For the latest on game events and feature updates, be sure to check out this Help Center article.
—The Pokémon GO team


Shinx Community Day

Shinx IV chart

CP Shinx Perfect IV Chart
1 12 2 38 3 Sixty-five 4 91
5 118 6 144 7 171 8 197
9 223 10 250 eleven 275 12 300
13 325 14 350 fifteen 375 sixteen 400
17 425 18 450 19 475 twenty 500
twenty-one 525 22 550 23 575 24 600
25 625 26 650 27 676 28 701
29 726 30 751 31 763 32 776
33 788 3. 4 801 35 813

Parting words

Overall, this Community Day seems to be great! with honorable mentions being the new exclusive move Psychic fangs upon Luxray, 1/4 hatching distance for eggs, 3x transfer candy, 4 times more chance of winning Candy XL for transferring Pokémon And being able to catch an incredible shine!

This is definitely an event not to be missed. Preparing for this event will be key. Before Community Day begins, all trainers need to prepare. The two most important preparations in the game are: Equalizer box space and Have ample articles. First, it is important to clear some space in your Pokébox. The more space that is cleared, the fewer transfers must be made on-site during the event.

Until next time, Trainers.
Stay safe and happy hunting!

Adam ‘Avrip’

Community Day after November 2021 appeared first on the Pokémon GO Hub.


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